The Real Elvira
By Lark6019

Forgive me, this was written on Halloween night!

Casandra Petersen arrived at the studio party right on time, dressed as her usual persona, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. As the party progressed, she really got into character, and, on prodding from those in attendance, began playfully biting the guests on the neck.

But one was different. Casandra didn't recognize the man with the pale-as-a-sheet complexion, but since he was game, she was also. As she bit him, she drew blood. It tasted delicious to her, and she wanted more. She began to feed on him, until he collapsed in a heap at her feet. Others watching gasped in horror as Casandra's face was exposed, the blood dripping from her lips!

"What are you looking at?" Casandra screamed. The others covered their ears, her voice was deafening.

One stepped forward and examined the fallen man. "Casandra, what have you done? This man is dead!"

But Casandra didn't care! She felt an overwhelming sense of power and she wanted more!

No one saw her move. And yet, in the blink of an eye, ten people lay dead, their blood drained from them and only two fang marks on each of their necks as evidence.

Casandra was as one possessed, scurrying from room to room, biting everyone in sight. Soon, no one was left alive, no one except the pale man.

"You really like this, don't you?" he asked.

"Wow, what a rush!"

"I see I picked wisely then."

"What do you mean? Who are you?"

"You are Elvira, and yet you have to ask who I am?"

"I just play her. I'm Casandra."

"You WERE Casandra. Now you ARE Elvira!"

"But Elvira is just a character!"

"Can Casandra do this?" he asked as he quickly drew a dagger from his sleeve and threw it at her. The blade broke as it impacted her stomach, leaving no damage except a hole in her dress.

"Nice trick. So you're a stuntman, with a trick knife."

"Not so," he said as he picked up the blade and drove it into the solid wood floor. "Does this look trick to you?"

Elvira reached down and retrieved the blade from the floor. She examined it carefully, then broke it in two in her hand. Next, she placed the point against her wrist and pressed; the blade broke again, leaving no mark!

"What has happened to me?"

"Test yourself. This wall is reinforced concrete. Try hitting it with your fist."

Elvira gently tapped the wall. She didn't want to injure herself. She needn't have worried, the wall crumbled to dust at her touch, exposing the steel rebar underneath! She grabbed the rebar and pulled; a huge chunk of concrete was dislodged and fell to the floor, striking her ankle. She didn't notice, and gently kicked the slab with her foot; it sailed across the room and tore a chunk out of the opposite wall!



"Come with me, my sweet," he said as they both flew off into the night.